Monday, February 1, 2010

Wen: I Am Leaving Tomorrow... wow.

So, I have been quite stressed out about leaving.  My luggage is 95% of the way packed.  I have an inkling that my check-in luggage might be exceeding the limit (50 lbs), but no matter.  I will be weighing everything and hopefully after moving things to my carry on, or taking things out (yikes!), I will be all set.  I still don't have one of those plastic baggies though, to put liquids in... oh well.  I thought I remembered that they were free at JFK.

So here's my itinerary:
Leave around 5am tomorrow.
Drive to JFK.
Get through security etc and relax before my flight gets there.
I've searched online for free wifi hotspots, it seems that Terminal 6 has free wifi, and I'm going to be in Terminal 7.  We'll see how that turns out.  I'll be online probably around 8ish, so the rest of the college population is going to be either asleep, in class, or for the select few.. drunk.
I'll get on the plane and fly to Hong Kong
Then to BeiJing
Then to ZhengZhou and stay with my grandparents for a few days
Then to ChangChun and stay with my other grandparents for a few days
Then to BeiJing
Then to HongKong and I'm staying the night there... whoopie
Then to Brisbane

Wow... I'm thinking that I should get on a frequent flier program or something. 
Also, I looked this up, and for anyone going to HongKong International Airport or Beijing International Airport in the near future:  There's apparently free wifi in Terminal 3 in BeiJing and free wifi throughout the airport in HongKong... cool.

Also, as a warning, I WILL NOT have access to Facebook in China, the government bans Facebook.  Haha, so hopefully Google will not be pulling out of China in the near future because I will be very sad and unable to access Gmail!

Also, I'm determined to find a Persian friend in Australia so that I may attend Nooruz festivities in Australia.  Jen found one in Paris, and she's gonna be doing the whole deal in France!  I'm a little envious (and jealous) haha, so now that's going to be one of my goals there!

Also, I literally just found out that Blogspot is likely banned in China.  Haha!  I may have to send my blog posts to Jennifer so she
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can post it.  Jeeze... what if they track that too!?!

We'll see :)

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