Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wen: I have a home again!

Yesterday night I moved into the Larsen house, and at first I was a bit scared because I thought it was far away and bus riding would be too much to handle, but that was not the case! 
They are so cool!  Dane's 18 and Judy's his mom... I've met Leisel (yes, the name from Sound of Music!) and I have yet to meet Jess.
Today Judy took me to UQ for the first time and she, Leisel and I walked around campus to get familiar.  Afterwards, I went shopping with Judy for groceries etc.  This was incredibly helpful, because before this, I had no idea how to buy groceries... yeah, I'm ridiculous.  No worries though, because after this experience in Australia, I will be able to function on my own, just in time for dental school!
I also was able to figure out the bus schedules with the help of Dane... wow, public transportation is sort of really confusing to someone who's not used to it!

Here are some things that I have learned so far:
It's pronounced "Brisbun"
They like lots of American TV shows like How I Met Your Mother etc...
Soccer is called soccer here
Kangaroo meat is a delicacy
Possums are not the same thing as Opossums!  I know! I thought they were too!
And a ton more information!
So... anyway, I'm going to orientation tomorrow... that should be fun.  Until tomorrow!
Oh yeah, food here is expensive. Ugh.

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