Monday, February 15, 2010


I now see how busy I will be from basically now on.  I woke up at around 7ish, left by 8:30, and after a cup of coffee at the cafe got into work at 9:20AM.  I love the people at UNESCO... also they were having some kind of big general meeting today.. and there were legit people from like iraq and afghanistan and stuff... soooo coooool.  The guy I share my office... yes, that's right, I have a fricken office station and everythinggggggg, with is sooooo awesome!!! He like listens to jazz music hah, it's wondeful.  He is also from NJ and studied at UChicago.  We talked about the good ol' Jerz and chatted like buds!  His name is Rami... also, he might get deported... he has to go back to NY to like re-validate his visa or something.  He seems like a great person to share an office with.
I spent the morning doing cool internship things, like editing cases that will be in the international bioethics curriculum.  I then tried to get my ID badge, at the main UNESCO building, but was unable to because it didn't reopen until 2PM... I have class at 2PM.  So I rushed back to the metro, got to class justtttt in time.  I love class by the way... j'adore!!! j'aime!!!  Although we go super fast and I feel like the tests are going to be  riiiiidiculous, it is so much fun!  We learn such practical things.  The only issue is that I get sooooooooo nervous when she asks me a question and I actually have to talk French.  My heart basically explodes through my chest and I feel like I stutter and slur words haha.. it's an awful feeling.  It's still a great class though!
After class I ran back to UNESCO to get the ID.... I posted a picture on facebook.  We have to return the IDs when we leave... but if we lose the ID it is 10euros to replace.... I can't say I haven't already thought about possibly 'losing' it and paying the 10 euros for one I can turn in at the end of the internship.
Also, I just got an email back from this thing I applied for... basically it is a chance to go with 30 students from the european union of jewish students to the UN and discuss issues of human rights... it's ridiculously cool... and they just told me I was accepted to go.  It's in brussels in march... a sunday to a wednesday... I don't know if I will be able to take off from my internship or from class, but I REALLLLLLLLLY want to go.  It sounds so insanely cool I can barely control myself!  I sent my cv on a complete whim thinking that, especiallllly because I'm American, they would like autimatically reject.... guess not..! AHHHHHHHH I LOVE PARIS and EUROPE !!!!!

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