Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jen: Frog Princess

After going shopping today in the big mall - which I'm not sure whether I blogged about, either way I bought boots and tights (very French...!) - we went to see Frog princess in the movies.  It was really cute actually... I won't ruin it for those who haven't seen it, but I did find the food references very amusing.  The theater was filled mostly with French guys and their girlfriends, it was pretty adorable.  The movie was in English with French subtitles so it was fun to glance down every so often and try to match the English words to the French translation.  It ended up being a pretty nice evening, and it is probably good be in a bit early because we have to wake up around 8:30 tomorrow morning to fill out our residence forms or something?  Basically, when we got our visa they gave us forms that had to be mailed in somewhere along with a copy of our passport and the French stamp that we got... We are all going to be taking care of it together tomorrow, so that should make things easier.
Also funny, on the way back from the movies I was listening to music and kind of bobbing my head (without noticing I was even doing it!) to the beat.  This guy turned towards me and started smiling and bobbing his head to the same rhythm as I was.  It was pretty cute.. haha, but I got super embarrassed.
Tomorrow evening I think we are going either to a club or out with some French friends some of the UConn girls met?  We'll see.. maybe the Stanford kids are doing something?  Should be fun either way : )

A bientot! <3

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