Sunday, February 14, 2010

Jen: bday weekend!

It has basically been forever since I wrote a blog entry.  This weekend has been pretty ridiculously crazy, as it was my 21st birthday weekend.  I think I am just going to some up the events from thursday on... I'm pretty sure I last wrote on tuesday, but I honestly cannot really remember what I did on Wednesday at the moment.
So, for my birthday there were tons of little events.  We went to a kosher restaurant and had a morrocan waiter, yoel, who I was able to speak to in French.  The restaurant was really nice and they even had a little band thing going on as we were eating.  They sang happy birthday to me over dessert... it ended up being just really nice.  We also went to the mix, which always is a good time.  I actually found out that one of the morrocan guys we met there is Jewish... which I would have never guessed in a million years.  They also rented out the bottom of antidote for my bday, which was really nice (it was basically dancing/dj downstairs).  So many people ended up showing which was really cool.  Towards the end of the night my feet were in so much pain that I took off my heels and walked barefoot outside.  When antidote was closing, we went to another place and met some pretty cool guys who offered to drive us home so we wouldn't have to take a taxi.  It was a pretty  sweet deal, and obviously the one who was driving had not been drinking.  He was actually muslim, and I guess pretty devout in that he doesn't drink alcohol.  Either way, it was pretty awesome.
Colleen and I also had a night out just the two of us where we ended up meeting up again with nizar and waseem at a salsa club.... it was really nice- I had a great time.  We also laughed A LOT at the most ridiculous things, I'm pretty sure they thought we were half crazy.
Today for valentine's day we invited over arthur and charlele as well as AZ and Georgia.  We watched pretty woman and made French toast- delicious.  Georgia also made chocolate cake.  Arthur, probably the nicest guy almost ever, got the four of us girls roses which was really sweet.
I start my internship tomorrow... we'll see how it goes!  I have also already started my French class and art history class.  I'm so exhausted that I'm basically falling asleep while typing... late night last night.  I will go into more later when I'm more awake.

Au Revoir!!!!

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