Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wen: I'm in Hong Kong!

Wow, so I'm currently in Hong Kong International Airport and waiting for my flight to Beijing!  From Beijing I have to get on another flight to ZhengZhou... fun fun!

Here's the synopsis of my ordeal so far: 
I was an idiot going through security and I held everyone up because I didn't know that I was supposed to take the laptop out of my carry-on and out of the case!  So people were pissed at me, and I was like, Crap, this sucks.
When I got inside and my dad left me, I waited by the waiting area and called Amir because I was nervous, and I ended up talking to him for quite a while until I was literally up to board.  Thanks Amir! :)

I got on the plane and called Amir again until I had to turn off the phone because we were about to leave.  No joke, when we were taking off, I was like thinking of the plane in "Lost".  Anyway, the whole freakin flight was so cramped.  I tried like a bajilion different ways of making myself comfortable in a stupid upright seat.  The end result is that my neck and shoulders are cramped.  Fantastic.
I watched a bunch of movies, drifting in and out... I didn't really sleep at all.  A couple of time my head was slightly hanging out in the walkway and people just ran into me, haha.

The food was not so good... blehhhh... I also think I ate too many instant noodles and it made my stomach queasy.  The problem with the flight is that the air is so dry, you want to keep eating or drinking.  So, that's what I did.  I also had white wine for kicks... it's not that good, but I hoped that my Asian alcohol intolerance would kick in and put me to sleep!  I'm not sure if my plan worked, but I'll just make it my goal to try all alcohol on board!  The worst that could happen is that I pass out... actually, that could be really bad.  Yeah, that's a bad idea, scratch that!

I was also super restless throughout the flight and in order to combat deep-vein thrombosis, I walked around and hung out in the back of the plane.  It was pretty boring, sometimes there were babies there, but they were not interested in me, and one was a super crybaby, and it literally cried probably 60% of the trip.

Then when I got to Hong Kong International Airport, I was supposed to call my parents, unfortunately, they only accept Hong Kong coins... so JENNIFER came to the rescue!  Jen called my parents from PARIS to tell them that I got to the airport! Haha! She's the best!

Oh no, I think I hear the cry of that relentlessly crying baby!  It's coming to haunt me!

:)  Peace! :)

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