Saturday, February 6, 2010

Jen: Fantastic Parisian Lady

Although some of you might have thought I was talking about myself in the title, it actually describes this really cool person I met!!!  So after Shabbat I looked up nail salon places in Paris in the 14 arrondisenment (sp?).  Either way, I called up 'star nails,' said bonsoir, and then asked the person on the phone if she speaks English (parlez vous anglais???).  She said no so she actually got one of her customers to translate back and forth for me.  After finding out that it is open until 8PM, I quickly took the metro over.  Interestingly enough, this translator lady was still at the nail place when I arrived!  I'm pretty sure we clicked immediately in terms of being able to exchange stories and laugh about silly things.  We were talking about how she had a date tonight, which is why she was getting her nails done.
So, she is actually from Paris, but lived in London for a bit- which is how she knows English so well.  She is going on a date tonight with an American guy from her company (from ohio- by birth state).  She asked me for some advice about American men and then returned the favor and told me how to handle a French man.  These insights will probably be invaluable.  We sat and laughed as we got our nails done... it was great.  I also felt very much at home because the nail people were all korean... just like in America.  The monopoly they have worldwide on nail places amazes me.  I think the big chains should probably take some lessons.
When we were leaving the nail place the Parisian lady gave me her name and phone number and told me I could call her if ever I had any questions about anything or needed help.  She said she, too, knows what it's like to be a foreigner in a country where you barely speak the language.  She was SUPER helpful and SUPER nice.  I think I wouldn't mind going out for a casual cocktail with her and having girl talk.  Plus, I really am curious about how her date tonight will go!  haha... I love random things like this.  Perhaps we will become nail buddies... the possibilities are endless.  Oy vey... this sounds ridiculous- don't judge me!

A bientot!!!!!!

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