Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jen: Missing a very special person

I know this might seem trite or contrived or who even knows what... but I just felt like I had to write about it.  A lot has happened today... cool things even... but I can't really focus on them right now.  I don't like posting on facebook walls about this kind of thing or leaving a message as if they can read it, because I know they can't.  But, I really do miss Sagar... I hate talking about him as a person who 'was.' He is... he always has been.  He is Sagar.
I knew he was a special person even from the first time I met him.  At our cpim interview we immediately hit it off, and out of the maybe 15 or so people present, he is the only person I exchanged email addresses with.  I could tell that he was not only smart and sociable, but truly kind... the kind of person you can truly respect.  And I did.
Although I'm very fortunate to have good friends who call me and skype me and are there for me when I need them most, like times like now, things are still tough.  I refuse to believe half of the rumors.  I cannot even imagine for a second not seeing sagar ever again... ever.  He was the guy we danced with at indian parties... the guy who would smile and wave every time I passed by him... and asked me how I was doing.  He was the person who was so willing to help you out with homework or explain things.  He carried himself in a way that you wanted to emulate... you could just tell he was one of those people.  We all wondered how he could be just so perfect in every way.
He sent me a message on facebook around a week ago asking how I was liking France.  We hadn't talked or seen each other for probably a month prior to that, yet he would always remember me.... and I always thought about him. He was just one of those people that you didn't have to see or talk to everyday, but always cared about, and knew they cared about you.
I just don't understand.  It doesn't make sense.  I miss Sagar.  I really miss him. :'(

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