Friday, February 5, 2010

Jen: Thieves!

I went to fran prix again today to get more water because after last night I drank all of the water I had left.  I decided to buy TWO big bottles today instead of just the one I usually buy.  I also tried to get money out with my atm card but apparently I don't know my pin : /  
When I came back, I went to the kitchen to put away the pickles that I also bought.  I look inside to see the other knotted plastic bag I had put in there ripped!  I take out the food inside and see big bites into my kosher cheeeeeese!!!! Everything else looked untouched, but come on!  That's pretty gross!!!  They weren't even smart enough to casually unknot the bag then just retie it...!  ARG.  I will probably just transfer everything except this now gross cheese into another bag and knot it again... and put a sticky note telling people I am very ill and contagious.... they do not want my food!
On the bright side, now I have pickles.

Bonne Journee! : )

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