Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Jen: Such a JUIF : )

While going to send in the papers so that we can travel through Europe (etc), we got our Paris University cards!!!! I posted a copy on facebook : )  Once we came back, everyone was discussing plans for the day.  I think everyone decided on going to H & M and other department-like stores.  Because I was tired of shopping (or more being inside malls and enclosed shopping areas?), I decided to go on a little adventure of my own.  I looked through the handy dandy Jewish guide to France and found the Museum of Jewish Art and History.
Although there were probably more direct routes (as I found on my return trip), I decided to go on RER B along with the other girls, and then just get off at St. Michel to transfer to the 4.  Unfortunately, once I left St. Michel station I was unable to find where the metro 4 was!  I kept walking and finally decided to just take the 10 at Cluny station... on the map it connects to the 4 at Odeon- which is only one stop away on the 10.  Perfect, I thought.
Turns out, they decided to close Odeon station.  Or rather, they decided that the 10  would no longer stop at that station- we passed through and saw the 4.  In the metro it said the 10 no longer stops at that station.  OY VEY.  I kind of liked the adventure, but also really wanted to find the museum!  I got off at the next stop, Mabillion, and decided to look for St-Germain des-Pres station, which was the 4... it didn't seem to far away.
I got off the train and was walking with a mission in mind until... there was a clothing store with really cute clothing... I was going to continue walking but then I saw that there was even a MEZUZAH on the door.  This settle the dispute in my mind, and thus I decided to enter (plus I could see the station from where I was standing).  I ended up buying a shirt-dress and a couple pairs of tights.  The woman was really sweet : )
I left the store and knew there was only about 10 feet separating me from  the 4.  In the station (pictures posted on facebook) there were all different kinds of displays- some from the holocaust and a bunch were in hebrew!  It was pretty cool.   I hopped on the train happily, and continued on my vast journey through Paris.  I arrived, finally at Chatelet les Halles and then had to transfer on to the 11 in order to reach the ultimate destination of Hotel  de Ville.  From there I had to find Rue du Temple.. man, let's just say this was quite the adventure as well.. and took me asking multiple people on the street (in French :-O ! ).
Let's skip to when I arrive at the museum- it was AWESOME!  The only issue was that I was being super eager and listening and reading everything in the first room... and then the second room.. and by the time I got to the third I was just a bit exhausted.  There was tons to see and I definitely did not get through everything.  I would love to go back and will probably bring my family there when they come in June.  On the way out of the museum I decided that the only thing that could put the perfect ending to the day's experience was finding a kosher restaurant.  I pulled out my Jewish guide- and whaddya know?! There are like 8 on Rue Rosiers!  I was from that point on determined to find Rue Rosiers.  Of course I had no idea where I was going- which meant that again I had to resort to using my broken French to ask random people on the street.  *Note about French people* they will ALWAYS say just keep straight and then turn- not at this street, but one of the next. Really not super helpful, but at least they try to be : )
So I eventually find this area and it was like walking through heaven's gates.  All of a sudden I see Hebrew writing on the stores, mezuzahs on all  the doors, men with Kippot, and Jewish stars all around.  While in awe of the treasure I had just found, I continued walking and found a Shwarma place!  I walked in... well to the door :/  I didn't realize that you had to pull.  The guy in the restaurant laughed at me, which was pleasant.  I then tried to order and tried to switch into English.  It was CLEAR that he understood me, but he told me no, no, only in French.  It was in a joking way though... not malicious.  He wanted to see if I could get any redder from embarrassment, I'm pretty sure.  So I finally was able to order my Shwarma in a pita and soda.  I sat down and enjoyed the first meat meal I've had in a while... first legit meal I've had in a while, actually.  The guys working at the restaurant kept coming over and talking to me and smiling.. and some of the waiters even dancing... it was an interesting experience haha.  Menachem, one of the waiters, was really adorable.  He came over (full black kippa, very chassidishe looking) and asked if I would like coffee.  I said no thank you... to which he asked if I spoke hebrew.  It was obvious that his English was errr... probably as good as my French.  I said yes, and then he asked, in hebrew, which would I like- coffee or tea - for free.  I'm pretty sure this is the equivalent of a bar tender giving you a shot on the house... : )  It was very cute... so I said coffee would be very nice.
Ok, because this is soooooooooooooo long I will just end by saying I got back safely with a much easier route.  I did not buy a pillow- even though I was on the hunt for one.  One of these days I will find a pillow that isn't like 30 euros.
I'm probably going out with the UConn girls tonight... I'll update later.

Au Revoir : )

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