Monday, February 22, 2010

Wen: When I was in Hong Kong...

So, I finally downloaded the pictures off my camera memory card!

 Here we have a picture of me chillin in my Hong Kong Skycity Marriott Hotel Room during the layover of my Hong Kong to Brisbane flight!

It was quite pleasant staying there and it definitely passed my germaphobe test.
The sheets were clean and new... no weird stains or anything.

This would be the HD Samsung TV I had in my room.  Too bad I didn't have anything decent to watch on it.  I left it on HBO and ended up watching like two terrible and old American movies.  One of them had Matthew Broderick and Meg Ryan the other one had Alicia Silverstone and some guy.  I really liked the big window facing the ocean!

The view from my hotel room was pretty cool!

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