Thursday, February 4, 2010

Jen: First Class

I'm sure all of you have been envious of the fact that I have had no classes- well rest assured, I had my first class today.  I specifically took Thursdays off from my internship so I could attend this Art History class.  So far, it hasn't been to mind blowingly interesting, but it's just the first day.  I'm excited that we will be able to get into the museums for free... and that at the end I will actually be able to hold a legitimate conversation about artwork... or at least modern/post-modern art.  Dare I say it- I think I am becoming cultured!
After class I went to the fran-prix to pick up a couple of groceries.  All I really wanted to make sure to get was water.  I decided to browse around and maybe pick up a few more items.  As I was browsing into the deep back sections to which I had never before entered.... I saw... a kosher section!!! Yes, they had kosher turkey and chicken and cheese and HUMMUS and a bunch of other things!  It was funny that I had been in the store about 3 times already and had never noticed it.  It ended up turning into a bit of a shopping spree in the kosher section.  I came home and had some turkey and lettuce and hummus... and a banana... it was delicious.
Tonight we will be going back to the mix club... we'll see what happens.  I really wish the stanford kids would join!!!  I don't really have to be awake for much tomorrow, so I'll probably sleep in a bit... again.  My sleep schedule is terrible, but I know once my internship starts I will have to buckle down and not go out as much... I might as well enjoy the time off when I have it!
Hopefully I'll blog tomorrow... probably not when I come back tonight.  Also... I hope Wenhui is enjoying China!

Au Revoir, Bonsoir!

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