Saturday, February 6, 2010

Jen: Being French

I just wanted to comment about how I was pretty French today.  Although there were quite a few moments that I was most definitely not French... like at Shabbat lunch when I didn't understand anything or when I had the really cool lady translate for me at the nail place, still I had a good amount of French moments, too.  For instance, I was able to give directions to a little old man on the street who was looking for the RER station.  Also, I was able to completely order and pay for a crepe in French without any issues. ALSO, I was able to do the French thing when a foreigner accidentally says bonjour during the evening, and respond with an obnoxious, "BONSOIR!"  Yes, today was a fairly French day for me!
Also, I learned that a French manicure in France is not just called a manicure... it is still called a French manicure... nifty, eh?
Also, I engineered the sweetest contraption the other day to ensure that my food does not fall off the outside window ledge- ask me about it if you are curious and I'd be happy to explain this work of genius.

Bonne nuit!

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