Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jen: Going into the Pantheon

Granted I did walk by the Pantheon the other day which was quite nice, today I actually went inside!!  It was pretty darn cool- so many famous and important people buried there.  The art work was amazing and it was just wow.  I definitely plan on bringing my family there when they visit.  I spent forever wandering around the crypts.  It was also interesting that as I walked to the back there was a video that was going on a loop I guess of many different videos- as I walked up it started talking about France denouncing antisemitism and I could understand a good amount of it... mainly because every other word was juif (jew).  Yep, pretty sure they played it just for me ;)
I also bought SHOES today... little black boots, as did one of the other girls.  We are going to go shopping later today also.  I should probably go to the ATM because I'm starting to run a little low on $$. I haven't even really bought much... I feel like the shoes were really like one of my first real purchases here.  Haha, I guess this isn't quite the adventure I promised, but the day is not over!

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