Monday, February 22, 2010

Wen: UQ Lake... I'm not sure what it's acutally called

Compared to the "lakes" at UConn, the UQ lake is way more amazing. They have tree fulls of cockatoos! For real, like the cockatoos that people buy as pets and teach to talk are the exact same ones that run wild around UQ. They're so pretty and white!

For some reason, something sets off these thousands of cockatoos and they all just fly out of the trees toward some other tree across the lake. It's really amazing to stand underneath and watch all of them flying over you. They're also all screaming their heads off... it's pretty cool!

There are also your basic geese and ducks. When Belinda mentioned geese though, I immediately thought of Canada Geese.. haha, force of habit. UConn has way too many Canada Geese, and way too much Canada Geese poop on the grass and sidewalk. It seems that these birds are not as dirty!

Here's some random thing that looks like a turkey and a chicken mated after one of them had previous mated with a duck.
It's not very attractive, but it was cool looking. Maybe someone will recognize it! It was pretty cool to see all this wildlife...
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