Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Jen: le defense et plus!

I'm not sure if that title made any grammatical sense... but it was supposed to be the defense (the area we went to) et plus (and more!).  Either way, today was quite awesome.  I went to micefa in the morning and YES, got another ID card.  I'm not sure if I've blogged about my obsession with ID cards but anyone who truly knows me would know that I absolutely love having different ID cards from different places.  I also paid for the fountain bleu trip which will be this weekend.
After that, Jill had the wonderful suggestion to go to le defense, which she knew had some kind of giant arch-like thing.  Two other girls and I tagged along and it was actually incredibly cool.  We saw and took pictures by the arch as well as by this weird thumb statue.  We also saw that there was a mall nearby, so we were able to participate in one of the last days of the paris sales!  Shopping-wise, today was also a great day for me.  I finalllllllly got the pillow that I've been wanting (it's a little different and even better than the one in the picture)!  It is actually an enormous pink pillow (of course) in the shape of a heart... it was cheap because of valentine's day I think.  Across it is written "love."  It is really soft and comfortable and I am really psyched about sleeping tonight!  But, it was a pain in the neck carrying it through the metro...!  I also bought socks which I have really needed and a little area mat for the floor... errr... and a dress.  Ok, perhaps I should not stop buying things.  It's just that there have been sales  and I learned that I could use my ATM card as a credit card...  haha, plus they have been awesome buys!
Tonight I am going out with a few of the girls and some guys we met at the Mix to the hookah bar... it shall be interesting...! Argh, I'm going to go shower...!

Bonsoir et beaucoup d'amour! <3

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