Monday, February 8, 2010

Jen: A new day

Today was a day of realizations and pretty fun times.  I went to the Jewish student center in the morning, which took me a little while to find.  In France, the Jewish centers and places are much less obvious than in America.  They are like in back corners and after windy roads... with barely any signs to point you in the right direction.  It was cool to hang out there for a little bit and they have a cafe so I was able to also get lunch.  I definitely plan to go back!  They have a piano there too, so maybe one time when it isn't crowded I can practice?  eh, I'll probably be too embarrassed to.
After that, I met up with Jill who legit is really sweet.  She is one of the UConn girls.  Together, we shopped for shoes... fortunately or unfortunately I happened to be more successful than her in the finding shoes thing.  I got one pair of beige boots and one pair of black shoes that will be good for once I start my internship.  They were both really good deals because of the sales that are currently going on. : )
Tonight I am going to be getting some dinner with Jill and then hanging out probably with Meghan, Colleen, and the 2 French guys we met in the Kitchen... it should be a relaxing evening I hope.
I totally want to get more involved in the Jewish scene here and I plan too... but once I get more busy I'm not sure how much time I will have to just figure out where/when things are happening.  Meh, if there's a will there's a way.
Also, I love my friends.  They are great and amazing. <3 <3

Au Revior!

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