Sunday, January 31, 2010

Jen: becoming slightly more aware of my fan base

So I know I haven't blogged in awhile and it's a shame because A LOT has actually been happening.  So I went to a few clubs over the course of the weekend with Aryana and her crew- which was really really really fun!  One night I got in free because some guy decided to pay for me (the mix?)... another it was ladies night so we got in for free... and others we had to pay, but it was still a great time.  At one of the places we got into a bit a of a dance off which was fun (cafe oz)... I also met a girl there who was from my town!  At Queen, there was lots of techno music, so we ended up leaving after just a bit- cool part was that we got in because we were on the 'official list.'  Their language partners knew someone or something and they got all of our names on to the list... which felt pretty sweet.
Mind you, I have been getting back at like 6:30 in the morning most of these nights... because the metro closes at 1 and doesn't reopen until somewhere around 5 or 530AM.  One time we went down the up escalator, which was off, in order to get into the station which was otherwise closed.  Some creepy guy followed us in and we had to pretend we were from spanish speaking country and could not understand when he was speaking to us in french OR in english... well I guess we didn't have to, but it was pretty darn fun doing it.  Especially the part when he left and didn't knife us- that was pretty fun.  I guess we have had a whole string of random guys who have been creepily following us and trying to ask us questions.  I know today for me, some guy came up while I was waiting for the metro and started speaking to me (telling me i am nice and that I'm a princess :/ ..yeh, it was awkward).  So when he asked, I told him I was in Paris just for the week- originally from montreal.  Well, I have actually told many people that I am from Montreal so they don't judge me as being a girl from the US... the ones who can't speak french... ya....  So either way, I avoided that one as well. Apparently being semi-chased by random french guys is normal.
Ok, then tonight I got a drink with the guy from scrubs.. kind of : )  It was decent.  We may go for some candian throw up looking dish on tuesday- ya, it shall be pretty exciting.  We exchanged many strange stories- I guess that makes it a good time?  (WENHUI- remember to ask me about this, I will explain!)
Also, we went on an open bus tour today... which was absolutely freeeeeeeeezing!  But I guess it is cool to have a tour of paris and have some idea about where things are or what there even is to see.
OHH Also shabbat- so I went to the chabad for friday night dinner and saturday lunch.  It was really nice of them to invite me over... and their two youngest are adorable!  They have 4 children- the two older are boys and the younger are girls.  It was interesting being there- they were talking a bit about religious life in France...  She also said how they car has been smashed on multiple occasions by neighbors... how the french tend to be a little less tolerant towards religion :/
On saturday, following lunch, we went to a nearby shul for a tu-bishvat party thing.  It was pretty cute and the people there seemed to be very nice.  The only issue was that many of them spoke ONLY french and not really any english.  This made conversation pretty challenging.  Also it was a bit frustrating when one of they guys stood up to give a dvar torah and the only things I could understand were the bits and pieces of hebrew he threw in... and something about character traits?  I really couldn't even tell you.  They will be doing a shabbaton there in a few weeks so I'm actually pretty excited about that... it should be really nice.  It would be cool to get a little bit more into the jewish community here... I'm working on it.
Also, there is another girl here, a friend of Aryana's, who also is super into UN stuff and has interned at a few different agencies.  She is also interested in interning at UNESCO... so it was pretty cool to talk to her about that kind of stuff... very few people are actually interested to hear about what I think is the coolesttttt thing ever (as in stuff that happens at unesco.. pertaining to human rights and bioethics.. and the details of my internship).

man, i really breezed through everything, even though every story i mentioned has a bazillion and one more details.  I should probably get some sleep- I overslept today and missed the first loop of the bus tour : /

bonne nuit! <3

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