Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Ok, so my computer is going to die soon so this will actually be quick (unlike many other times when I say it will be quick and it very much isn't).  UNESCO is awesome!  The internship director guy is AWESOME.  We discussed possible options for the internship and he is going to get back to me with more details after he meets with the bioethics director tomorrow.  Everything he suggested sounded SO cool.  I may be able to review the information that has been sent in by the bioethics center in Haifa... which is the place I was going to intern if UNESCO fell through.  I am already familiar with the director there and the stuff they work on.  This is AWESOME.  Also, I get to learn more about what Israel has been doing as far bioethics is concerned. OMGOSH this is so far everything I expected and wanted out of this internship and MORE.  He is so chill and was totally cool with me taking off the breaks that normal University students have here, AND he said I can have off Thursday so I can take the Art History class that I was a little bummed that I was going to be missing.  THIS IS AWESOMEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Literally, I could't stop smiling while I was there and even as I left.  I will be able to attend the first international ethics education meeting in March and help with organizing and stuff.... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SOOOOOOOOOO COOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!

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