Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wen and Jen: The Final Countdown

Wow! We're in the same place!  Jen is sitting across from me, resting on her makeshift bed constructed from Diane and Regan's bedding and let's not forget... their LOVE.  Of course, we would be on our respective laptops browsing the internet, because we become skilled at that in the past few semesters.  At least this time, we're not IMing each other on GChat while in the same room.  Anyway, run down of yesterday's events:
This is exciting!
I was very sad that Jennifer was unable to join us for dinner, but she ended up getting here a few hours later and play CRANIUM!
This last reunion is especially amazing because yesterday's Cranium was incredibly fun :)  Sean and I dominated out of 4 teams.  I got super competitive and I think Jen and I scared a couple of people.  I do remember screaming MULTIPLE times at the top of my lungs at various people.
This morning we ate breakfast and it was delicious.  I had an omelet at South, and it was my first one in like a month! I definitely missed it!
After breakfast, we hung out in the room and watched MUZZY in French!
It's this old school cartoon that's made in many different languages and used to teach children how to speak rudimentary language... therefore, it was PERFECT for us.  I found it bootlegged on the Chinese video site.  I used to watch it in French class in high school, and I enjoyed it immensely back then too.

Now we're heading out to lunch at Towers.  It's gonna be Jen's final Kosher meal at UConn for this semester.  Probably mine too.  They guys are all going there for pasta bar, but I feel as though it's a little overrated.

After lunch Jen's going to leave :'(

This is our final combined blog, complete meal together and our last chance to synchronize our mind connection before our ties are severed for the next five months.

To the future! <3 Wen and Jen

Jen's departure:
January 24th
Air France

Wen's departure:
February 2nd
Cathay Pacific Air

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