Monday, January 18, 2010

Jen: Too good to be true :/

So I will probably make another post today with my packing list, but for right now I will talk about my adventure at the verizon store.  So even though they will be giving us a phone once we get to France, my parents would feel more comfortable if I also had my own phone that wasn't pay-as-you-go and that had my regular phone number.  When I went to Israel, I was able to just switch my phone to international without a problem.  Apparently, the snoody French people do not like to be with compatible with things, so the Blackberry Curve cannot be switched to international service for France.  The only compatible phones are the Storm and the Tour.  This is all back story.

So, My mom and I went to the verizon store because she has some kind of credit and upgrade thing that would make it free to get one of these phones.  So the plan was to go in, switch my blackberry curve for a blackberry tour, 1, 2, 3, done.  When we get there, this guy tells us that it is actually buy one get one free, and because the credit or whatever it is covers one blackberry tour, we can actually get a second one for free in addition.  And also, we can somehow get a netbook for free, too!  Okay, so this sounds peachy- two blackberries and a netbook all for no cost- YA RIGHT.

We go to the register and it turns out this guy is completely incompetent.  He doesn't know how to ring up the phones or switch the contacts or really do much of anything.  The guy next to him at the counter is giving some advice how to do it, as is the girl on the other side and then the manager as well.  By the time we were done, just about every employee of the store had some input.  After ringing it up about 5 times, taking about an hour, finally it went through.  Then, on to the netbook, which was SUPPOSEDLY also free!  Turns out it is only free if you buy the 120 dollar per month service to use it abroad!!!!! 120 DOLLARS!!! Ridiculous, so we didn't end up getting that.  Two hours later, they are first switching over the contacts and loading up the phones... only one guy there knew what he was doing... he told me I can come back on Thursday and he will personally help me with anything else I might need regarding switching things over on the phone.

Meh, also the barnes and noble nook came in the mail today!!! It's really cute- I can't wait to open it up and try it out!  Perhaps I will relearn how to read just for this occasion!!!  As Wen says, "no one reads anymore." Well gosh darn it, I'm going to try it out.

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