Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jen: Leaving the Tefillin at Home

I have been packing all day.  I will be taking all of my kind of on-the-edge clothing with me, because if there is anywhere it will work, it's probably Paris.  I have tried to search images of what French people wear, but to no real avail.  While packing I have had the TV on in the background.  Top 3 amusing things that were on TV today:
1. Plane emergency landed in Philly because of a 17 year old putting on Tefillin
2. Instructions on how to use an Epipen
3. Best way to eat healthy: take 5 breaths and decide not to eat

My room is an absolute mess!  I'm not even half done with packing.  Tomorrow I have to bring my car in to get repaired :/

Hah, also funny, so apparently I had to call Wachovia in order to tell them that I might be taking out money abroad.  I had to list every country I might possibly visit... new goal: to actually visit every one of these places.
I said France, Spain, Germany, Poland, Austria, Netherlands, Italy, Israel, Czech Republic. EFF, I forgot to say England I think.  This is officially the master list.

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