Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jen: Creepy.

I saw bright lights outside of my window.  A cop apparently pulled over a car right in front of our house... they have been there for the past ten minutes.
I am waking up at 6AM to finish packing... or more like empty stuff out of the suitcases so that way they are 50lbs. One is currently at 76 lbs and the other can't really even be zippered yet... this is not good news.  I hope I don't overpack things that are unimportant and forget to pack the things that I will actually need.  It's amazing how little I can actually bring... I think I have been packing like I pack for UConn, not paying attention to how much I stuff into the suitcases, as long as they eventually zipper up.  This method is highly ineffective.
Bed time for me... a whole 4 hours of sleep.  I just hope this is all packed up and finished by like 11AM tomorrow...  

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