Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jen: Shower Work Out

Ok, so here is a quick blog.  I just missed breakfast with the group because I completely slept through.  I set my alarm for really early so I could wake up and shower and have some time to chill.  Instead, I hit snooze and slept until 11:30.  Oops.  I thought I would easily wake up because I was having such trouble falling asleep anyway. Apparently once I got out of bed at 5AM and figured out how to turn up the heat and used the lady's room (which I was too scared to walk to and 12AM last night...), the sleeping was a lot easier to manage.  They texted to ask where I was and when I called (an hour late), they said they were just returning from breakfast... I'm going to tell them to just pound down my door next time.  So once I get dressed I'm going to hunt down breakfast on my own, and then everyone is meeting up like maybe 2ish to leave for a day of shopping.
So here is the exciting part... their showers are STRANGE.  Here is the deal: you walk in and they seem pretty well kept and first once your like yes! this might not be so bad!  Of course, you have to flip the switch DOWN to turn on the light (seems to be a trend here).  Then you walk in one of the four separate shower stalls, put your stuff down on the fairly large bench outside the shower and continue to walk in.  There is simply one button, so you press it. There is NO temperature gauge at all.. .no way to make it hotter or colder.  Luckily, the temperature was actually pretty nice, as was the pressure (no way to control that, either).  Here is the kicker, when you press the button, the water only continues to flow for like 30 seconds.  That's right, so every thirty seconds you are again pressing in this little button.  Now, you can imagine how much faster these shower go, or rather how much longer they seem, when every thirty seconds you are pressing a button for more water to come.  The thing is, you can't lightly tap it either, it has to be a real push with finger vigor.
Alright, time to get dressed and make a fool of myself trying to order cafe en creme? and un croissant?

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