Friday, January 22, 2010

Wen: I haven't posted in so long!

So, I haven't posted in so long, mainly because I have nothing to post about!  My existence at UConn has been quite uneventful except for the random few visits from friends that I get to be excited about. 

I was browsing Facebook, like usual, and I came across one of Sam Taylor's posts.  It was a website for a law firm called Slaughter and Virgin.  Haha, I'm so bored that I reposted this. 

I have been watching a lot of Hulu recently due to my advanced boredom, but I'm sad to say that Hulu announced that they will be charging 4$ and something per a month to use their site, starting in the next few months. 

Also, I came across an interesting compilation of deleted Family Guy scenes: 10 Great Deleted Scenes from Family Guy

One last thing, I'm sure he doesn't really read this, but... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALI!

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