Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jen: The Reunion

I will be going up to UConn  today to visit everyone before I leave.  I just realized that there is a distinct possibility that Wen and I could actually blog together tonight.  I'm not really sure why that was so exciting, but  as soon as I realized I felt like I HAD to blog about it.  I am really excited for tonight- having dinner with some of the coolest people who I will miss a LOT.  The dinner group seems to be growing- I kind of hope we storm the dining hall and take up more than one table- that'd be sweet; look out- we will also have a football player and we ARE not afraid to use him!  I still haven't packed for the little trip... but that shouldn't take more than a few minutes. Haha, I'm watching trash TV at the moment- the Maury show. :/

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