Monday, January 25, 2010

Jen: my blogging is out of CONTROL

So for the third time in one day, here I am again.  I just don't want to miss any of this craziness and forget about it.  So a couple of cool things have happened tonight.  We went to the director's apartment and she brought dinner for us.  She was nice enough to get kosher chicken for everyone, just so I would also be able to eat and not feel at all uncomfortable... she even had plastic plates and utensils and everything... it was really really nice and super unexpected.  I mentioned that I kept kosher like once... so it was just a really nice gesture.
Later I also found out that she was Jewish... I feel like it's super weird how so many of the foreign teachers at UConn are Jewish.. I had a Spanish professor who was also Jewish... maybe it's a UConn thing?
We took the metro or whatever it is called for the first time tonight, too.  It's pretty awesome- we got a card with our picture on it and you can even use it through your wallet like in D.C.  Sweet deal.  We passed by a stop that said ville juif (jewish village?)... you better believe I'm going to be seeing what that place is all about.
I was bit bummed to find out that they no longer have the budget to take us on trips to brussels, amsterdam, or prague... but hopefully we'll end up going somehow... : /
Also, I ran into a girl who I did the Harvard Summer program with like in junior year of high school!  Most random thing ever- she is also living in the same dorm complex!  She recognized me like instantly, way impressive on her part... but once she mentioned the summer, I knew who she was, too.  Can't believe I'm running into people in PARIS.

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