Monday, January 25, 2010

Jen: I'm here!!

So here is a quick update.  I just arrived and settled in.  The room is pretty spacious, but definitely a little bit falling apart.  The building itself is huge and really pretty.  Paris also seems really nice so far- it is a beautiful day out and I'm going to explore!
As for the flight, I almost took out someone's eye when the cap from my water bottle like exploded off, probably has something to do with the difference in pressure when we took off? Either way, it was like an explosive... it literally shot backwards.
I went to go log in at the computer lab downstairs, apparently I had to do that in order to access wifi... I had no idea what I was doing so I had to ask 2 French guys to do it for me... yes, I gave them the sheet which had my full name and room number... maybe not entirely smart, but there is a lock on the door anyway and they seemed nice enough :/

Ok, more later... Bon soir!!!!!! : )

oooo also, their keyboards are WEIRD.  The w or z is like where the A should be and so on... STRANGE.

Part 2:

So now it's 5:32PM... and we have like nothing planned until 7PM tonight.... I have been wandering around Paris a bit which is cool.  I went through the park across the street which was really pretty, then I got lost, and then I wandered until I found my way back.  I met the first person who I truly could not communicate with on any level.  He was some foreigner who spoke some French... and I couldn't understand anything he was saying... so I kept repeating how I don't speak French really and had no IDEA what he was saying... I think he understood once I finally walked away...
I have also been really thirsty and found two separate soda machine things... the first only took coins and the second could only take up to 2 euros... I have a 5 euro bill... so hopefully by tonight I'll find some fluids.  This could also be partially tying back to the wine I had on the plane in order to help me fall asleep... I think I have been parched since then...
This is actually pretty cool, hopefully I don't get sick of the "oh wow this is interesting how I can't understand anything and no one can really understand me" thing.  So far it's been cool to be like, oh so thaaaat's what it's like.  It may get old, only time will tell.  Also, I have been a little intimidated to use even the little French I have picked up... I don't want to sound like I'm stealing their language and butchering it... : /

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