Monday, January 18, 2010

Wen: My First Post!!!!

First off, the hilarious rhyming poem that you wrote should still be posted even though I took it out of the about me for the new formatting!

"We will always be good friends,
Even while we study apart.
Never will we forget our good times,
Nearest and dearest to our heart!
Incredibly funny we both obviously are,
Forever making jokes that no one else understands.
Everyone notices our strange connection,
Remaining close even while we are in foreign lands!"

Second, I wanted to announce that I got my new University of Queensland email, and I found out I get to keep it forever! I think this is partly because it's run through Microsoft.
I guess that's a good thing, but I'm definitely having trouble figuring out how to choose classes! I emailed a lady from UQ to ask her how to do it, and instead of describing it, she just gave me a link, that I have already looked at. Wow... what am I going to do.

Third, I will be going to China before I get to Australia and I get to celebrate Chinese New Year! Yippee!

1 comment:

  1. yayyyy! first post!!! I love it! you realize this binds you to post every day following, right? ...or until you have 0 access to a computer in china... Either way, I love the new format!!! Also, I am a bit jealous about the email account.. man that's flipping sweeeeet!
