Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jen: Many Findings

So after I came back from the grocery store this morning I went for a trial run to UNESCO.... it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!  I turned the wrong way a few times while walking, but took the correct RER and Metro and got off at the right stops and everything.  It was awesome.  Also, I did some exploring and I think I found the eiffel tower!!  Ya, so some great findings today.
I also made it back in time to meet up with the girls at 4:30... like perfect timing.  I went back with them to the same grocery store and clearly something else HAD to happen.  The cashier accidentally rung up my stuff along with the stuff of the guy after me... and put it on one bill.  Of course they were trying to figure out how much then I had to pay and how much the other guy had to pay, which made for some very complex sentences that I did not at all understand.  It was VERY clear that I spoke English, so I was a little irritated that only once I asked in French, "parlez vous anglais," did the guy switch to English to explain to me what was happening.  It took like 20 minutes for them to subtract the price of two items from the entire bill... it was crazy.  It probably would have taken less time if she just re-rung us up altogether.
Now I'm going to be heading with the girls to find out about the night life... we'll see what happens. I don't want to be out too late because I have to get to UNESCO tomorrow morning... and not sleep through.

A bientot : )

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