Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Jen: Last Hoorah @ UConn

So, I can't say everything really went according to plan today.  The dinner that I was so excited about going to with lots of close friends, didn't really happen.  Or rather, it happened, but I wasn't there.  I was driving from Long Island so I figured that would cut off an hour of my time, at least.  In reality, the traffic made up for that and then some.  I left at 4:30PM and didn't get to UConn until 8:30PM.  The dinner was at around 6:30.  It was hours of bumper to bumper traffic.  I heard the sames songs on the radio about 5 times over the course of the trip. I kept laughing to myself in the car as I thought about how perhaps Wen's statement was true - how boring and terrible times here will lead to us enjoying our abroad experiences even more!  
It was just annoying because I invited some people to come and got myself really excited about it.  In the end everything worked out though because people were still hanging out together once I arrived.  We actually played some really fun games - cranium and this one about dirty minds.  There was lots of laughs, which was really nice.   Persis also made an awesome video of all our times together since freshman year... which will be added to the MUST TAKE TO FRANCE pile, along with the video Diane made for Channukah.  Gosh, once the photo book comes in I will be absolutely set! Being here today has made me think about how much I will miss everyone, and how it's a real shame that this is a lot of my friends' last semester.
We are planning for lunch together tomorrow, so hopefully that will work out.  I will probably have to take off right after that :(   ....it's funny to be sleeping on the couch in my old room... but strangely not entirely unfamiliar.

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