Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wen: Don't worry, Jen's hasn't dissapeared, she's just shabbating

So, here's what I've been up to:
Nothing.  I'm exaggerating, but really, I'm super unproductive.  The suitcase to the left is not mine, but it is empty like mine and is red like mine.

The problem is, I have to pack because I'm leaving Tuesday morning to catch a flight at 9:15am.  Yeah, that's fantastic.  I have to get there 2 hours ahead, AND the driving takes like almost 2 hours... so that means I'm leaving around 5am?!??!?!

This is going to be a problem.  Haha.

So, I have not packed yet and I have lots to do.  Yesterday I went to KMart and got a plug adapter for Australia, a travel pillow for the horrible Coach seats and my favorite, I got 4 little 3oz plastic bottles for facewash, lotion etc.  The flight's 18 hours so I'm hoping to bring my mp3 player and listen to some book tapes.  I was about to download the Twilight series, but after watching the movie with Amir I reconsidered.  Anyway, I wanted to bring my laptop and get some work done, but it turns out that adapters/inverters are SUUUPER expensive.  No go on that idea!

I also fake booked a ticket for Cathay Pacific to see if I had any chance of moving up a few row or out of Economy, but it seems that out of 353 seats on this Boeing 777-300 plane, there are two still open in economy.  One of them just so happens to be on my left... yay for space?!?  I guess I should be lucky that I'm sitting in the aisle, although I am in the second to last row, very near the bathrooms. 

Hopefully the food will be good.  The website says that they have a full stock of food that you can snack on anytime.  I might just really, really take advantage of this.  And when I say I might, I mean I will.  It makes sense, because heck, what am I going to do on a 18 hour flight!?  Anyway, I paid for it!  Also, I should stock up on food when I get to Hong Kong, or even Beijing for that matter because layovers are annoying, and I don't want to get hungry and buy super expensive airport food.  By the way, I'm staying in Hong Kong for a night because my layover is super long.  That should be an interesting blog post. :)


  1. we flew to vancouver 2 summers ago on cathay was actually a pretty comfortable trip if i remember correctly. i dont remember the food being horrible, and there were the mini tv's on the backs of the seats too!
