Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jen: Breakfast

So I went downstairs and luckily there was a girl from UConn who has been here already for a semester.  After some small talk, she offered to show me where the supermarket is so I could pick up some stuff (apparently the main breakfasty place is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays).  Now I know where to get groceries!  I bought bananas, muffins (which she said were delicious, basically a must have), laundry detergent powder (the machines downstairs don't like liquid), WATER (ahhh I have been sooo thirsty), plastic cups, and tea bags (didn't think about how I don't really have access to hot water).
The grocery store was pretty funny... there was TONS of wine and beer and biscuits (which really are just cookies).  When I went to go pay for everything, I was feeling semi-confident.  I said bonjour back to the cashier and gave a 20 euro bill to cover the 10.52 that everything cost.  Suddenly she mutters something realllllly quickly, to which I cleverly reply "uhh uhhh... qua?"  She repeats it again, but I already knew that it wouldn't help... so I asked the girl who went with me to the store to translate.  Apparently she was asking if I had exact change (the 52 cents or whatever).  Meh... from now on the answer to every question that I don't understand will just be "non."  We'll see where that takes me.
Either way, I am excited to have my breakfast of a banana, muffin, and best of all COFFEE.  So I was able to get coffee from the machine downstairs because now I had change!  I got cafe long au lait sans sucar!  Ok, breakfast time and then hopefully I'll meet up with everyone for shopping.  EFFF I meant to buy pens/pencils at the grocery store... completely forgot.  Perhaps today while we are out I will be able to... I also need to figure out how I will get to UNESCO tomorrow morning... I should probably leave at 8AM... even though it's half hour away and I have to be there at 10:30... I am confident that I will probably somehow get lost.
Au revoir!

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