Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jen: Cafe Au Lait, Sil Vous Plait

So I am currently sitting in a café- it is 9AM approximately on Wednesday writing a word document in order to later copy and paste into the blog.  I just ordered my first thing by myself!!!!  I got café au lait… and he understood!!!! He did switch to English… which is fine, I mean I know I still sound super American plus I was incredibly hesitant.  Still, I’m sitting here sipping my coffee, and it is awesome- well not as much the coffee- more so the idea of being able to sit down and drink it after I successfully ordered it.  I sort of plan to stay here for an hour, so hopefully they won’t kick me out… my internship meeting is at 10:30 and I left at like 8:30 in order to make sure that I got here with enough time.   On to perhaps more exciting things.
So last night we went out and it was REALLY fun, actually.  We went to this beauuuutiful area to what was called the 'student bar' for happy hour.  It was nice to just sit back and casually sip a cocktail without it being a matter of getting plastered.  We continued on to a crepe place which was also really cool and I learned some new vocab like eouf fromage which means egg with cheese basically.  Then as we were wandering around we found an Irish pub place which looked pretty nice- so we went in.  We sat down on one side of the bar and on the other there were a bunch of other people.  One of the girls from our table went over to the other side and started up a conversation with the others, and eventually the rest of us joined in.  We met two French guys, one who claimed to be Dutch, ‘Charlelee (supposed burberry/eve saint lauren/high fashion model now working for Apple),’ and the other, ‘Arthur (arteur, student at a nearby University).’  We also met the two English girls who were sitting at the table next to theirs.  It was really cool- they were teaching us some French and offered to show us around Paris one of these days.  Charlelee even got us all drinks, but not in a sleazy way.  We stayed out until after the metro closed which was like by 1AM.  Charlelee and Arteur offered to walk us all the way back to our dorm, which was actually like 40 minutes away walking… not as bad as we thought it would be.  They also were going in our direction as they live, so they say, about 15 minutes away from Cite.  At the end the two guys exchanged numbers with some people from our group so we can contact them again and said the typical French goodbye with the double kiss cheek thing… ya, I think it is starting to sink in that I am seriously in Paris.
Jeez, the coffee actually is really good.  Haha, this is clearly a longer post because I am just chilling in the café until around 10… it’s right across from my internship building.  I think this might be my place for morning coffee.  It isn’t even so expensive compared to what we were told to expect as per coffee pricing.  It is 3.30 Euro, which granted is not cheap… probably the equivalent of like a starbucks coffee… still we were told around 5 was normal.  I have no idea how long people generally stay at a cafe so I hope I'm not being rude by sitting here forever.
Oh shoot, turns out this place doesss have wireless!  Man, this is definitely going to be the spot.  Also, weird trend- all of their coffee places are also bars.  I haven't seen a single cafe that is justtt a cafe... this happens to be a bakery/cafe/bar... no way to go wrong.  By the way, the coffee actually looks exactly the same as in the picture... the cup is practically identical, but the coaster doesn't have a yellow border.

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