Monday, January 18, 2010

Jen: Packing List!

Ok'doke.  So here it is, the much dreaded list of things I probably will not be able to fit into 1 to 2 suitcases.  haha, I can't wait to compare my list with Wen's.... *prediction* ...her's will be like clean underwear.. and that's like it. No wait, and a toothbrush.

Technology stuff:
1. Laptop + Charger
2. Nook book reader thing + Charger
3. Phone + Charger
4. Camera + Charger
5. Universal adapter/converter thing
6. Ipod? maybe...

1. health insurance card
2. passport + visa papers
3. itinerary

2. president's council bioethics books
3. French-English dictionary
4. photo book if it ever comes in!
5. mini siddur and tanach

1. internship - nice pants and shirts
2. shabbat - skirts/dresses... snius things!
3. pajamas
4. workout clothes (hahaha.... just in case)
5. hangout clothes - jeans, sweat sweat shirts...
6. summer stuff
7. going out clothes
8. scarfs!
9. jackets?
10. undergarments/socks/stockings/leggings
11. pocketbooks?
12. a few pairs of shoes/boots
13. one formal-ish cocktail dress?

Toiletry Things:
1. Shower Stuff
2. makeup/perfume/moisturizer
3. tooth brush and tooth paste

1. wallet!
2. jewelry
3. snacks?

1 comment:

  1. woah! you're gonna fit all that into 2 suitcases?! the books are gonna be suuuuper heavy! also, you can probably purchase shampoo etc in france!
    also, don't forget that they don't let you bring liquids more than 3oz (i believe) on the plane!
    so no juice boxes for jennifer :( </3
    also, i shall pack light too... maybe like essential clothing,my laptop and my toothbrush!
