Monday, March 8, 2010

Wen: OMG it's REAL Chinese food!

After a long hard day of eating duck, walking around the mall and looking at fish, Ling and I went to her friends' share house and we made dinner!

Wow, it was amazing!  We chopped up two onions, four chicken drumsticks, added some yellow curry paste and let it stew.  Slightly too much water, but that's okay.  Then her friends Kristen and Estelle made a dish of pumpkin and another dish of bitter melon and eggs.  After so long of not eating food that tasted really Chinese, I was seriously enjoying the food.  It was amazing.
I forgot how much I loved Chinese food.  Even the bitter melon, which I normally DON'T enjoy tasted delicious.  Kristen, Estelle, Ling and I had an awesome discussion on China, the one child policy, their future jobs, how young people in China view family prospects and a ton of other really cool things.  They spoke Cantonese, Mandarin AND English.  Pretty cool.  

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