Monday, March 8, 2010

Wen: OMG it's a Gecko!

Wow, so the other day when I was cooking I saw movement under the cabinets and in corner was this teeny weeny lizard thing!

So I thought it was cute and when I asked Judy about it, she told me that it was probably a Gecko.  They apparently eat household pests, BUT they get bigger and make annoying clicking sounds with their throats.  I also would NOT want to find one in my room or anywhere near my bed.  :)

 I wanted to play with it... aka, I wanted to see it run around, so I tried poking it.  I don't think I killed it, but it squished into the tiny crack between the cabinets and the floor tile.  :(

I'm pretty sure that geckos are quite hardy and they squeeze into small cracks all the time... I think.

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