Sunday, March 28, 2010

Wen: I G-Chat with my dad

I was G-Chatting it up with my dad today, talking about getting a car for dental school. 

[Warning:The below conversation may contain foul language.  For mature audiences only.  Viewer discretion is advised.]

爸爸: you still need a cae
 me: yeah... i thought i was gonna get mom's car
  or the van
10:16 AM 爸爸: dental student drive a van like a soccer mommy
 me: well whatever
  i just need a car
10:17 AM 爸爸: I already spread the words I am interesed in buying a used car.
 me: ohh
 爸爸: If I can not find one, you may just drive mommy current car.
10:18 AM mommy is pudshing me to buy a new car for you.
 me: wtf, i don't need a new car
10:19 AM her car is fine
  i like it
 爸爸: what wtf means?
 me: what the fuck
 爸爸: that is bad phrase.
10:20 AM me: well people use it alot
 爸爸: I thought you are educated college student
 me: yeah soooo?
  it's instant messaging language
 爸爸: you nevdr use word like that
 me: it's like lol
  it's im language!
10:21 AM 爸爸: brb? ttyl?
 me: be right back
  talk to you later
 爸爸: no
  I can feel I am the old generation
 me: yep

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