Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wen: Tonight's Dinner

Tonight I made another stirfry dinner, but didn't add the rice with the dish, and it came out much better... thanks to the lesson I learned before!

There are two large mushrooms, one green capsicum [bell pepper], two cloves of garlic and some cubed steak. I used olive oil, soy sauce and black ground pepper.

Also, most importantly, it tastes good! The beef is a little dry but I'm not sure how to deal with that... any pointers?  Also, I see that it's a little dark from the soy sauce... oh well!

Another thing... Australians like to shorten phrases and put "-ie" at the end.  So names like Matthew and Samuel become "Mattie" and "Sammie".  The grocery store Woolworths is commonly called "Woolies."

Today, after I cooked, Judy asked me "Are those your mushies?"  And I was like, what?  I realized that she was pointing to my bag of mushrooms. 
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    Did you discover Tim Tams and Shapes yet? I also like going to Woolies for coconuts and durian, yum.

  2. idk what shapes are, but i have had tim tams! delicious!!
    i didn't know that woolies has durian!
