Monday, March 1, 2010

Wen: First day of class and Dinner

Today was the first day of class!
 I ended up getting there 15 minutes late because I couldn't find the classroom!  Then when I sat down, I realized that the professor only spoke Alien.  That's right ladies and gentlemen of the science major... I was in a philosophy class!

Yeah, so as he kept chirping and garbling, I kept getting more and more nervous because I could only understand about 30% of what he was saying.  During times of mental clarity, I could vaguely pick out words like "the", "is" and "he".  It also didn't help that this guy talked incredibly fast.  I already have some trouble understanding the thicker accents, but when you add speed into the mix, I find myself repeating what the guy said in my head with American English.  Haha.

Anyway, I was also made aware of the fact that it was a second year class, and I was expected to go in with some background knowledge.  This was a problem because as a science major, I never took any philosophy classes... hence why I was taking this class for my philosophy gen ed. 

When I got back home, I quick enrolled in a 1000 level class called PHIL1110 Critical Thinking.  Hopefully this will go better with my lack of experience in philosophy.   The class is Friday, so maybe I'll have Wednesday, Thursday and Friday classes during the week and work on the thesis on Monday and Tuesday.

After class was over, I was dazed, and decided to go home, and brave the pouring rain.  Thankfully Judy called and said I could catch a ride with her if I took a bus to Indooroopilly Shopping Center. 

At the shopping center I got some mushrooms, tomatoes, noodles etc, and I ended up using them in my dinner concoction! 

It turned out awesome, and I was glad I finally got olive oil.  I also used chopsticks that Judy had... yay! Now, I have chopsticks!

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