Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wen: The Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art

I finally went to something "touristy" today--the Queensland Art Gallery and the Gallery of Modern Art.  This was for my Asian Visual Cultures class at UQ.

[[NOTE to Facebook viewers: There is a slide show attached, you might have to go to the actual blog]]

Very, very interesting stuff.  Ling joined me and we had a blast!  I spent the morning looking around for some souvenirs to bring back.  My friend Sean really wanted a boomerang, so I tried to find some reasonably priced ones that were actually MADE IN AUSTRALIA!  I did find a shop on Queen Street and the largest ones were only $6.50 each!  Baller... I'm gonna bring it back to the U.S., become proficient in boomerang hunting and hunt for small wildlife.  Or not.  I also found kangaroo jerky!  At first I thought that I wouldn't be allowed to bring that stuff back, BUT it seems that it's cool as long as it's sealed.  Fantastic news, I'm gonna bring it back for everyone to try.  :)  Btw, in the store, I also saw kangaroo feet key-chains and I thought that was really weird, but I guess people in the U.S. have rabbit feet for keychains... so WHY NOT!? They also had a kangaroo hide for sale.. it was a small one and was $99.  But omg, it was so soft!

Ling and I booked it to the art gallery just in time for my class's tour conducted by Professor Morris Low.  Really quite an educated guy.  There was some very cool stuff... like the porcelain socks, LOL.  I really liked the sticker thing, and the airplanes!!!  Making the airplanes was SO FUN!  I got to play with trash and junk and make it into a dragonfly airplane.  Brings me back to the childhood days <3  Quite an incredible day... I'm planning on visiting the Queensland Museum too!

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