Monday, March 8, 2010

Wen: Crock Pot Chicken

So it seems that I haven't blogged in a long time. This is because I've become overwhelmed with work... just kidding. It's because I've been so busy changing my schedule around and trying to figure out what classes I want to take!

Anyway, a week ago, Judy showed me how to very easily and cheaply cook a chicken and use the meat for sandwich meat. Wow, the whole process is quite easy and the only pain is clean up!

I bought a frozen chicken from Woolworth's and defrosted it for a day. We took out the chicken from the packaging and patted it dry. The frozen chickens are a cheap alternative to fresh chicken, which is a cheap alternative to raw chicken breast, which is a cheap alternative to chicken deli meat!

The spices we rubbed onto the chicken were more for color than for flavor! I think in the future, I might try and add some flavorings...? Maybe.

Anyway, we added black pepper, Chinese five spice (whatever that is, Amir you remember the star spice that you saw? I guess this is ground in), Biryani, Light Soy Sauce and Ketchup (or as Australian call it, tomato sauce). Judy said that when the chicken cooks in the Crock Pot, it doesn't get the nice roasted color as oven cooked chickens, so these spices and sauces give it some color!

After many many hours during which, I forgot about the chicken on numerous occasions, the chicken was "done." In actuality it was cooked throughly many hours before, but just leaving it in makes it more soft and tender. Btw, the Chicken was raised with some aluminum rings (or as Australians would incorrectly call it, aluminIum... yeah it doesn't make sense to me either. Haha, just kidding, no offense to any Australians reading this) and ceramic spoons so that the chicken didn't simmer in it's own juices and get super soft.

I then deboned the chicken and put it on the plate, and from the plate I bagged the chicken and froze them for lunch wraps!
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