Monday, February 22, 2010

Wen: Hong Kong Airport to the Plane

This was a plane in Hong Kong International Airport... I guess it was the most interesting thing in the airport.
I think there's a dummy inside and he or she is supposed to be flying it, or is a famous person. Sort of reminds me of today's Orientation Session at UQ where they told us about a famous Australia who flew over the Pacific to set a record but he dissapeared. Much like the United State's Amelia Earhart (I might be spelling that wrong).

This was the screen in front of me for my trip to Brisbane. Cathay Pacific provides little screens that are way too close to your face and way to bright to watch. I think they are guaranteed to give you a headache.

OMG, it's BRISBANE! And, it's only 8 hours away! By the way, I'm wearing my winter down coat and I realize that I'll be taking that off when I get to Australiaaaaaaa.

This sign was inside the Cathay Pacific plane and I saw it when I was umm... using the bathroom. It was so hilarious that I took a picture... yeah I'm glad I brought my camera into the bathroom with me.

It says "No Smoking" on the top sign, then there's a cigarette ashtray underneath... HOW CONFUSING is that!?!

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