Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Jen: amazingness

Last night we ended meeting up with Wassim, Nizar, and Khaled- the tunisian guys.  We met nizar at the mix club last thursday and asked him to bring some friends out and we'd all go to a hookah bar.  I actually later recognized his friend wassim from the mix club as well.  It was really chill and the place was pretty cool.  We had some arabic tea which was delicious.  Later we stopped by antidote, khaled left, and we met up with charlele and artheur.  It was a great time, and the two guys, two girls balance kept conversation going well.
We stayed there basically until the bar closed... at which point we switched to an American bar.  It had really good music and we were able to do some dancing.  ALSO, Wassim said he would teach me French and Arabic!!! This was super exciting and plan on taking him up on his deal.  He said if I help him with English and Hebrew, he'd help me with French and Arabic.   I think it is a wonderful swap.  We also got to listen to some arabic music with them and even throughout the night he was teaching me some arabic words... like the nickname he has for nizar, bargali, which meant like night star or something or other.
Today was also really pleasant.  We met at Solange's to find out or Sorbonne schedule- first class is tomorrow!!!  After that, Colleen, Courtney, and I went to a crepe place and to get coffee... both which were wonderful.  The rest of the day has been chilling, which after getting back at 4:30 in the morning, was much needed.  Wow, I am a bit all over the place chronologically at the moment.  Last night's sleep with the new pillow was great, too.
Tomorrow is my BDAY!!! We have all kinds of fun stuff planned.  Tonight we are going to watch a movie and take shots at midnight... and then tomorrow we are going to go out to a kosher restaurant, see the eiffel tower sparkling, and end it with the Mix club... the party will basically not stop.  Going to dinner soon, more later!

Au Revoir!

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