Monday, February 22, 2010

Wen: Conclusion of First Orientation Day

This was a big lizard at the UQ Lake... it was pretty cool looking so I decided to take a picture. 

There was a huge spider web in the tree... one probably can't tell because the picture is so small, but trust me, it was a big spider web.  Also that little dot in the middle of the blue sky is not a blemish on your screen, it is, in fact, a spider!

Here's a cool action shot I took on the bus ride home.  Yes, to all of you who have not experienced driving on the left side of the road, I can tell you it's weird at first.  Also, I sort of think Australians drive pretty quickly for such hilly and curvy terrain!

So, I go to take a shower tonight and I come back into my room and find A HUGE BLACK WIDOW SPIDER!
Jk, because it's actually plastic and was placed on my UConn T by none other than Dane.  Good one... because I did mention that I was concerned about deadly Australia spiders (among other deadly Australian creatures).  I guess this goes along with what we learned about Australians today in Orientation.  If you don't like it, and they know you don't... DON'T SAY ANYTHING!

Lol, good laugh.  I definitely think the crash course to Australian culture was very useful and very funny.  I like the intro to Australian sweets, although I will try to avoid delicious Tim Tams and those coconut things that I can't remember the name of.  I'm gonna try to learn the perfect mimic of an Australian accent.  Dane thinks I'm crazy, but it's gonna happen... for sure.

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