Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Jen: Aveinu Shalom Alechem

So here is the deal.  I am completely floored right now.  So I ended up going to the bar with some UConn girls and the guys they met previously at something or another.  There was this guy hadrian... and legit he sang Aveinu Shalom Aleichem to me.  I told him to prove he was Jewish because he had blonde-ish hair and blue eyes.  And he sang it!  I was soooooo shocked!!  Words cannot explain.   The rest of the guys were pretty cool too.  Although it started slow and I wasn't having the best time initially, it ended up being a great time!  Perhaps more tomorrow- je suis fatigue!  Holy Moly!!! this guy is for sure Jewish... and an engineer! lol.... crazyness!

Au Revoir!!!

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