Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wen: I wen to Noosa and SURFED!

Noosa Surfing on Easter Sunday!!!

Wow, that was awesome.  We had a pretty good time hanging out in the 2 hour long bus ride.  The highlight of the ride was probably when we saw these guys drive by with the passenger sticking his legs out and chillin'.

We then visited Edmundi Markets.  Since it was Easter Sunday, there weren't that many markets open.  :(

After the Markets, we went to Noosa for SURFING!  Before this trip, I had no idea what surfing was like.  I mean, I might have occasionally seen surfing scenes in movies, but those are huge waves.  I wasn't sure how much they expected us to do in 2 hours.  Anyway.  The whole experience was awesome and I managed to stay up for like 2-3 seconds on some waves.  Of course I didn't get any pictures of me actually standing... only waiting and falling!

Also, I understand that the goggles are really uncool, but they're prescription!  I'm totally blind without my glasses!

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